Where savings of up to 60% await you on every visit to a dental practitioner. With us, you unlock unparalleled discounts without any caps, limits, or exclusions—ensuring you save on every appointment, every time.
Your membership brings consistent savings, making quality dental care more accessible than ever. Simply mention your membership when booking and present your photo ID at your appointment to start enjoying the benefits. Plus, our program offers varying discounts across different dental disciplines, tailored to meet your unique needs.
Join Clear Horizon Projects today and experience the difference in dental care affordability and accessibility.
Registration and payment
of membership fees
Patient receives subscription
confirmation email message
Referral Letter issued from
Clear Horizon to patient
Dentist sends fixed treatment
plan to Clear Horizon team
Dentist provides free treatment
plan and checkup
Dentist refers patient to the
imaging centres for OPG
Clear Horizon Assessment can
take up to 10 business days
Treatment plan is approved for
additional 30% discount
(not exceeding $1,500)
Patient signs on the
completion of treatment